it was ok
it caught my attention. the music could have been better, like maybe some heavy metal to fit the theme of "turbo tank" and make better sound for the robots instead of "woot!" for when we hit them, and don't let the bullets be able to go through the road to make the game harder, and ( of course) add more levels! with big bosses made from cardboard boxes er sometin with a big assault riffle that explodes in a big feiry cloud thing of death that takes up nearly all of the screen to make it hard for the player to escape and go on to the next level. now u could ignore me on the first part, but seriously, that cardboard assault riffle baring robo boss sounds like a pretty damned good idea. hey i'll even draw u a sketch if u care, (which u probably don't) oh and if u have no idea who the hell i am, i'm the guy who submitted that one cartoon that had no story line, that had the pringles man, an exploding boy and cheese in it, but my next toon will be better i swear. k i'm done.